5 Questions To Consider Before Outsourcing SEO

Every business has plans of expansion. Before taking it to the next level, a thorough analysis of the business is done. At the right time the business is taken to the next level. However the areas in which you might consider outsourcing are SEO and online marketing. How exactly will you know if it is the right time to outsource SEO? Read the following points to get the answer: 1. Do you have a proper in-house online marketing team? Small businesses rely on their team for marketing and SEO. Well, if the team is well versed with the updates of SEO and Google algorithm then its’ alright to continue with it. But if your team has no knowledge or little knowledge about how exactly one needs to perform SEO, it’s time for your business to outsource it. SEO is a dynamic concept and it changes at a lightning speed. One needs to be in constant touch with its updates and latest marketing trends. If not then, chances are you will end up doing the optimization wrong and get penalized. 2. Do you

Trust Flow And Citation Flow: Things You Should Know

With the end of Google Page Rank, metrics like citation flow, domain authority and trust flow are becoming prominent Google ranking factors. By introducing trust and citation flow, the job of website ranking has become much easier for Google. The flow metrics get updated regularly and you can’t deceive them. It helps in exactly determining the trust of the website. Trust flow Trust flow is a metric designed to decide how trustworthy the link is which is purely based on the quality of backlink. If there are trustworthy and authoritative backlinks to a website, then it contributes to greater trust flow. The fact here is, the trust flow for every website is lesser than the citation flow. As we all know, a website can get hundreds of backlinks from various sources which may or may not be trustworthy. Certain low quality backlinks are generated automatically in spite of your precautions. Quality of link is always ranked higher than the quantity of links in SEO. For this reason, trust flo

Trust Flow And Citation Flow: Things You Should Know

With the end of Google Page Rank, metrics like citation flow, domain authority and trust flow are becoming prominent Google ranking factors. By introducing trust and citation flow, the job of website ranking has become much easier for Google. The flow metrics get updated regularly and you can’t deceive them. It helps in exactly determining the trust of the website. Trust flow Trust flow is a metric designed to decide how trustworthy the link is which is purely based on the quality of backlink. If there are trustworthy and authoritative backlinks to a website, then it contributes to greater trust flow. The fact here is, the trust flow for every website is lesser than the citation flow. As we all know, a website can get hundreds of backlinks from various sources which may or may not be trustworthy. Certain low quality backlinks are generated automatically in spite of your precautions. Quality of link is always ranked higher than the quantity of links in SEO. For this reason, trust flo

How SEO Helps Small Businesses To Compete With Big Brands

It is believed that Google favors big brands, but at the same time the fact is that small businesses can compete with the bigger names for organic search engine traffic. Even though small businesses are tight on budget they can still get their fair share of organic sales leads on Google.Check how: Take Advantage of Your SEO Assets If the domain of your business is from 1990s or 2000s, then SEO will favor you. Old domains prove to be beneficial for SEO since it stands for reliability, stability and competency. Never discard an old domain to pursue some sort of branding or SEO tactic to avoid making the situation worse. Check in Google Analytics the pages of your website and blog which generate the maximum organic traffic. Analyze the overall website and its page views and check for the most popular entry pages. These pages prove to be high-quality target pages for SEO since they are already precious to your website visitors. Google understands this and gives them good visibility during

Link Building And User Experience Go Together

Link building has always been significant for SEO. Some people think it should be avoided, whereas some think the opposite. Google has more than 200 ways to rank a page. The fact is Google considers links as part of its algorithm but other SEO factors should not be ignored. If you focus only on link building than it will surely get you in trouble.You should also focus on other aspects like the presence of keyword in URL and title, using alt text for images and making the content keyword rich. No doubt links are important but it has to be done in a proper way. Here are few points you can consider during link building: 1. Links are important for people Even if you overlook the ranking factor, the fact remains that people need links. Take for instance you are reading an article and you are anxious to know about particular person or tool mentioned in it. In this case if the article contains links, then you just need to click on it to find more about it. Where as if the article doesn’t c