Link Building And User Experience Go Together

Link building has always been significant for SEO. Some people think it should be avoided, whereas some think the opposite. Google has more than 200 ways to rank a page. The fact is Google considers links as part of its algorithm but other SEO factors should not be ignored. If you focus only on link building than it will surely get you in trouble.You should also focus on other aspects like the presence of keyword in URL and title, using alt text for images and making the content keyword rich. No doubt links are important but it has to be done in a proper way. Here are few points you can consider during link building: 1. Links are important for people Even if you overlook the ranking factor, the fact remains that people need links. Take for instance you are reading an article and you are anxious to know about particular person or tool mentioned in it. In this case if the article contains links, then you just need to click on it to find more about it. Where as if the article doesn’t c