Top 10 SEO Tools Every Small Business Should Use

Every business needs SEO irrespective of its size. It is essential to optimize your website to stay ahead of your competition. There are various free tools available to solve your SEO needs. Here is a list of SEO tools that every small business should use. 1. Keyword Planner Keyword planner is used to determine the basic keywords needed for SEO. It is like a workshop which is used to build new or expand the existing keyword lists. By using this planner, you can get historical statistics, search for keyword ideas, and check how a list of keywords can perform. It even creates a new list of keywords by compiling several lists of keywords together. 2. Google Trends Google trends is used to find out trending phrase and trending keywords in Google. It uses real time searches to help you estimate consumer search behaviour. To boost your marketing strategy, you can use it by combining it with keyword planner. It helps in competitive comparison. 3. Page Speed Insights Your website should load

How SEO Helps Small Businesses To Compete With Big Brands

It is believed that Google favors big brands, but at the same time the fact is that small businesses can compete with the bigger names for organic search engine traffic. Even though small businesses are tight on budget they can still get their fair share of organic sales leads on Google.Check how: Take Advantage of Your SEO Assets If the domain of your business is from 1990s or 2000s, then SEO will favor you. Old domains prove to be beneficial for SEO since it stands for reliability, stability and competency. Never discard an old domain to pursue some sort of branding or SEO tactic to avoid making the situation worse. Check in Google Analytics the pages of your website and blog which generate the maximum organic traffic. Analyze the overall website and its page views and check for the most popular entry pages. These pages prove to be high-quality target pages for SEO since they are already precious to your website visitors. Google understands this and gives them good visibility during